
High Yield bonds: how to take advantage of yield in an uncertain environment

High Yield bonds: how to take advantage of yield in an uncertain environment

Published: Dec. 1, 2023

 We Wealth interview with Giacomo Bergamo, manager of Ver Capital SGR.

Recession risk and geopolitical tensions could discourage investors from looking at more volatile instruments, such as high-yield bonds. Yet their performance is remarkable ...

Engineering prepares M&A financing - 05 May

Engineering prepares M&A financing - 05 May

Published: May 8, 2023

Giacomo Bergamo, Portfolio Manager at Ver Capital provided to Robert Hogg  of Refinitiv, an LSEG business his view on the new issue of “Centurion” (Engineering Group), leading specialist provider of IT services, software development, and digital ...

Ver Capital Monthly Credit Market Comment-May 2022
